Legal Disclaimer
This notice applies to any and all documents, materials and information (written or oral) communicated and/or provided to recipients (directly or indirectly) at any time to a recipient by or on behalf of Costa in connection with this website. Any references in this website to “Costa” includes Costa Limited and its affiliates (“Costa”). The information in this website is provided in summary form only and does not purport to be complete. By accessing and reading this website you agree to be bound as follows: (1) this website has been made to you solely for information purposes; this website may only be amended and supplemented as Costa sees fit and may not be relied upon for the purpose of entering into any transaction; (2) this website and its contents are confidential and proprietary to Costa and shall not be reproduced, redistributed, passed on, or the contents otherwise divulged, directly or indirectly, to any other person without Costa’s consent; (3) the information in this website has not been independently verified and no warranty, express or implied, is made as to the fairness, accuracy or completeness of the website and the information contained in this website; (4) certain information and examples contained in this website is based on the Costa Great Britain experience and may not be able to be replicated in an overseas territory; (5) certain assumptions contained in this website are subject to applicable law requirements in other overseas territories; (6) subject to applicable law, Costa does not accept any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising, directly or indirectly, from this website or its contents; (7) nothing in this document constitutes an offer by Costa that is capable of acceptance nor shall it form the basis of any contract in relation to any transaction; and (8) all information, opinions and estimates contained herein are given as of the date of uploading to the website and are subject to change without notice.